The first visit to your doctor can be stressful and overwhelming at times, especially when you have no idea what to expect. We want you to come to your first appointment feeling comfortable. We put together a small guide about what to expect on your first visit at Lake Family Chiropractic.
When you enter Lake Family Chiropractic, we want you to feel at home. You can bring your children or any family member you would like to bring with you. We provided a calm environment, sensory toys for your kiddos so they are occupied while you are being treated. There is no heavy traffic of people coming in and out, which sometimes can be overwhelming and stressful.
Before performing any services, Dr. Shirley will go over your medical health in detail. She will discuss with you your concerns, symptoms and goals. The thorough discussion can help the chiropractor to get a better understanding, what is the best course of action and create a care plan that is unique for you. If a referral for imaging or other providers is needed, that would be discussed with you as well.
A thorough examination will be performed. The doctor will go over vitals, ranges of motion, orthopedic test, functional test and other examinations that will be pertinent to your condition. The exam will provide the necessary information of what might be the cause and/or aggravation of your symptoms and what will be the best course of care.
Chiropractic Care
If this is your first time at a chiropractic office, you might be feeling nervous. No need! Dr. Shirley will go over the adjustments, how they will feel, what to expect and the technique she will use so you understand why the adjustment is being performed and what is trying to restore. Muscle work and therapeutic exercise might be performed as well. Dr. Shirley might even send you home with stretches and exercises that will help to decrease pain and tension while you are at work, at home taking care of the kiddos or even when doing your outdoor activities.
Do you know if chiropractic care is the right fit for you? Dr. Shirley is providing FREE 20 minutes consult. You can chat about what are your concerns and she will be able to guide you in what is best for you. Don't hesitate to call or text! We are here to help!
In health,
Dr. Shirley Delgado